
Our online diary


37c3 – Finally again analogy in the digital jungle! The largest hacker congress in Europe invites you.

The Chaos Computer Club will set the 37 after a four-year break. Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, under the motto 'Unlocked'. The team of actidoo shares his impressions and recommends three enthralling lectures of the event.


Replaces a framework using CSS files?

With Tailwind CSS most CSS files are superfluous. Why this is so and whether this is something for your application, we show within this post.


Domain-driven design with Python and FastAPI

Domain-driven Design - How to ensure lasting maintainability in complex applications with FastAPI? We show and explain a possible project structure.


Barrier-free: Why now?

Why should we now deal with the topic of freedom of movement? What exactly does it matter? What procedures are offered? These and other topics are included in this blog post.


Visit of EnterJS 2022

We were at the EnterJS Conference last week and were able to discuss news of the frontend development. A report and summary of the Key-Takeways.


Scalable projects: CSS methods

In recent years, a lot has changed in the CSS world. New methods sprinkled out of the ground. But what approaches have high scalability in large projects? We look at the methods BEM, ACSS and Cube CSS together


Augmented Reality in Industry and Business

Technologies that expand our perception of reality in a digital way – the speech is augmented reality. For the private user there are numerous apps with which he can project additional information or 3D models into the real world. But this hasn't been a gamer for a long time, but has already found its way into the business area.

Article 3

The sudden end of CentOS 8

Red Hat has announced that CentOS 8 will not be supported by 2029 in the way promised so far, but only by the end of 2021. Instead, there are now CentOS Stream, which delivers software packages that are newer and less tested. CentOS does not match Red Hat Enterprise Linux anymore.


Start of training at actidoo

Over the past few months, we have worked hard to train young people at actidoo themselves. With Frank and Christian we now have two colleagues with a fresh training certificate. We are proud to announce that this week we have our first Azubi.

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